come stai ,Generale Cesare marzo Yahweh delle conqueste(how are you
gebneral Caeser mars and yahweh of conquests-but caeser lived a bit
decades before Jesus)
tu,chi tutti i questi chi voglianno(you,who all those who wanna )
savere chi sei,Julius Cesare(know who you are,Julius Caeser)
devianno leggiere il terstamento(should read/refer to the testament)
delle guerre,Genese delle vittorie(of wars,genesis of victories)
solamente perché non hai(only for you don't have)
il tempo per cose altre ma vittorie(time for any other reasons but
victories-vittoria in italian refers socially also to pride)
hey,did you like it?I love Caeser more than even me can ever knowno
matter i am a god's citizen,,no way!!!i know things and stuff about
that man that brintg me to have big and high attitudes on
him,,,anyway,the general meaning of the song(you got only verse or set
one)is intended to contact spiritually Julius,,,so,come stai
generale(how are you going general)then i belive in Jesus thriough
Jesus only***so,i love all the world for free,,,too much damns and
curses and cririques said ion Caeser,but they spend centuries in the
water closet of tyrany till a coputry x has become a war between its
people and mercenbaries,,,well,when you are away and wanna know if i,a
dear,going fine,,,so,and you are enough aware positive feelings are
positive and good,,,so,when i write to youthat i am fine 'cause since
i love you and hold on hat,it means i am referring to my book as well
as feeling comfortable through love and the culture of posityive ideas
and,when i tell you i love you,sure,you remember i am
not telling you to come for i'm crying orhurt,,,etc,so,you are happy
that i am fine,,,i wish you got the idea and the moral sense,,if
not,please,don't hurry in dropping one of those answers,if
not,please,get glad with not doing it for wicked aims,,,then,that's
good,,,vivva il mio leginnaire metal...
hey,courtesy me for you:at home when i think about a presentation of
legionnaire metal,i even said laghing at that :legionnaire and
legionnaires',ie,the no woman want them to appear on her man's radar
screen for their marital lack of faithfulness hahahaha___so,before
people you just shut up but when alolne or with close friends,you just
make those ideas hahahaha,,,as well as like:known for their love
scandals metal hahahaha,,or cheats metal hahahaha...well,not married
yet,but two girls just did that to my heart,but have a tendency in a
more affirmed way for only one of them...not important her work nor
her reputation,but what is important is what will happen,,if she'd and
has still too many partnbers,it is not with my own stuff,but sure i
know her soul,,and i love that,,if i love chastity it is not to send
others tohll,but to save my brain of hell for when you curse others it
is a way to hurt your feelings and time,but when you add wisdom and
justice towards your own,you will feel that you are best when letting
no body's deeds hurt you moire than when talk to nobody nomore 'cause
they are not chaste,pagans,satanists,drug addict,,,etc...thanks for
givibng time for my eternal auto publicity hahahaa,,i love youy
all,,,a plus,mes amis...merci,,,gracias amigos!!
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